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Buckthorn Beware!

Friends of the Blufflands is conducting a study of common buckthorn, an invasive shrub that has infested many of the forests and prairies...

Looking for Rare Voles and Mice!

Friends of the Blufflands with the local chapter of The Prairie Enthusiasts is conducting a survey for rare voles and mice on Holland...

Mallards Nesting on the Bluffs

As the prairies on the bluffs in Hixon are being restored, we are seeing more wildlife using them for habitat. For example, on 6/29...

Add Fringed Puccoon to the Mix!

As Friends of the Blufflands works to restore the goat prairies on the bluffs surrounding La Crosse, we occasionally come upon native...

Ephemerals, or Not? -by Jim Rogala

Mike O’Brien’s blog post on ephemerals contained some lovely photos of plants that flower very early in the year. Although the definition...

Cream Gentian on the Bluffs!

On a recent hike on one of the bluff prairies, a new species was identified- cream or yellow gentian: This is a new species added to the...

Spring Ephemerals!

A Large Flowered Trillium in full bloom. Below it are 2 small white flowers called squirrel corn, and some fading leaves of wild leeks...

Land Steward and Outreach Position

Friends of the Blufflands and Mississippi Valley Conservancy are filling an AmeriCorps Land Stewardship and Outreach position for June 6...

Turkey Eggs

A clutch of turkey eggs found in the blufflands by Jon Rigden.

Coyote on Zoerb Prairie

Mike Nied recorded this coyote on Zoerb Prairie in Hixon Forest today.

Thank You Rotary After Hours!

On Thursday, April 28, four members of Rotary After Hours of La Crosse joined 3 members of Friends of the Blufflands on Zoerb Prairie for...

Play the Plant ID Game!

Jon Rigden and Mike O'Brien of Friends of the Blufflands recently joined the board of the local chapter of The Prairie Enthusiasts, the...

Who Lived in Hixon Forest?

An old, sod-covered stone cellar with a partially collapsed arched roof is the most prominent sign of human habitation by early European...

I'll Take My Prairie "Well Done"!

As March draws near and the seasons (hopefully) change, spring burn season lurks right around the corner. This is the time of year for...

Calling All Volunteers

As we begin the new year, Friends of the Blufflands looks forward to continuing to make progress on the remnant prairies and other...

Blog: Blog2

© 2021 Friends of the Blufflands

(608) 788-8831

Site By Corey Minor @ Moops Design

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