The Magnificent Magnicamporum
In September and October, many of the flowers that bloom in the bluff prairies have completed their cycle. Early bloomers such as...
In September and October, many of the flowers that bloom in the bluff prairies have completed their cycle. Early bloomers such as...
This is a follow up to the post done on August 19. "Plant of the Week #17...Again Blazing Star". A challenge was made to identify the...
Rough false-foxglove, known scientifically as Agalinis aspera , is currently in bloom across the bluff prairies in Hixon and the...
On 8/17 there was a very interesting Driftless Area Bio Blitz organized by Justin Nooker and Laurie Arzaga at Holland Sand Prairie...
Regrettably, this upcoming week will mark Jaylen Vinney's final days working with Friends of the Blufflands. Jaylen, an AmeriCorp service...
The plant highlighted this week is the purple prairie clover, also known as Dalea pupurea. This species is commonly found throughout the...
Our plant of the week for the last part of July is Grooved Yellow Flax which is known by its scientific name as Linum sulcatum. Although...
Bee balm, also known as wild bergamot, seems to be exploding on the prairies at this time! It is a common plant throughout North America...
Hoary vervain, also known by its scientific name Verbena stricta, is a common plant growing on our remnant bluff prairies. "Verbena"...
According to the Illinois Wildflower website, Leadplant, Amorpha canescens is considered a sign of a high-quality habitat. It grows...
Friends of the Blufflands was doing restoration work on Stry Prairie on Miller Bluff yesterday, July 1, and saw rusty patched bumblebees...
In a previous blog post on July 22, 2021, the milkweeds were highlighted. You can find the post here. These plants remain an important...
Coreopsis palmata, also known as prairie coreopsis or tickseed, is currently blooming on the prairies of Hixon and surrounding bluffs,...
This week, the spotlight is on prairie rose, Rosa arkansana, offering a lovely touch of pink to the prairie landscape. This plant belongs...
Converting a dense closed canopy forest overrun with buckthorn and other nonnative brush into an oak savanna has proven to be a...
A plant that recently started blooming on the prairies is Pale-Spike Lobelia (Lobelia spicata), although it is easy to miss among the...
Almost all plants have a symbiotic "mycorrhizal" relationship with fungi in which the plant produces sugar through photosynthesis, gives...
Sometimes it takes a keen eye to spot a plant that is diminutive in size, yet alluring in charm and appeal. One that fits this...
I. Review of Management Plan Goals, Threats/Concerns and Objectives GOAL Primary - The overriding management goal for the Property is...
Angiosperms have been around for a long time. More commonly referred to as the flowering plants that dominate the landscape today, they...